White Drifters - huh?

So, because I’m just feeling all crazy and wild today, I thought to step out of my blog-writing-norm and highlight two, yah, you got it - TWO interesting or shall we say “unique” sites . . .

So, at an absolutely lovely dinner with friends last night, Matt “KickApps” Bijur was wondering if we had ever heard of a site called “What White People Like.” I hadn’t until that point so I decided to do a Google search on my iPhone and can I just tell you, there was a TON of fork-droppin’, chokin’ on food and people fallin’ all over themselves . . . okay, okay . . . it wasn’t THAT bad. But pretty darn close.

This site features things, places, people that “White People Like” - Outdoor performance clothes, shorts, the HBO show “The Wire” (huh?), T-shirts, old high school memories . . . to name a few. I guess this isn’t racist or excluding of other, non-Whiteies, it’s just a website to highlight the differences between white-people’s habits . . . I think it’s pretty

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